Getting to know Loren Justins Director

  • martinvr

  • time June 9, 2014

  • 0 Comment.

Getting to know Loren Justins Director

1. If you were to describe Netconn in 5 words or less, what would you say?
Customers always come first.

2. What do you love about Netconn?
I love being on the cutting edge of technology, automation and systems integration. I love the benefits technology can make to life, especially giving people more time with families. I love knowing that clients can rely on us to do a job, and we will always go above and beyond for them, whether it is interrupting our own holidays, or taking an urgent call at 3am. It is something that sets us apart.

3. What has been your hardest lesson or the biggest challenge in the business?
Giving up some more mundane tasks to others rather than doing it all myself. Outsourcing certain areas of the business, and leaving other staff members responsible for clients without my nose being in everything. I think letting go of some of the control has been the hardest.

4. Do you have any emerging aspirations for the New Year ahead?
We are expanding the Home Automation side of the business, which is exciting, and we have many technology clients who will be upgrading full systems this year, so it will be a big year. My main objective is to make sure it is a smooth transition for all clients.

5. What do you like to do in your free time when you are not in the office? Any hobbies?
I am a judge with Golf Digest Magazine rating the top 100 golf courses in the country. I love golf, and play most weeks at my home club, Royal Queensland. I also love travel, which ties in nicely with my love of golf.


Loren Justins | Director

If you are looking at ways that can help drive revenue and profit, feel free to give us a call for a casual chat on 1300 235 378.

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