1. If you were to describe ‘Sign-up-to’ in 5 words or less, what would you say?
Email marketing – software, service, expertise.
2. What is a success story that you have helped a client with this last week?
Last week one of our clients in the printing industry came to us looking for an easier way to import their online customers into their mailing list. We quickly created a synchronisation between their WordPress eCommerce plug-in and their Sign-Up.to account, so that any new customers were instantly subscribed to their mailing list. We had this up and running for them the next day.
3. What has been your hardest lesson or the biggest challenge in the business?
Understanding that building a solid business takes time. Anything that happens overnight probably isn’t sustainable – we’ve learned not to cut corners and that doing things right will always work out best for all parties. We’ve applied this to everything we do – our relationships with our clients and partners, the work we do for our clients, the events we attend, the people we hire. Everything is done carefully and properly – and with great results.
4. Best Email Marketing tip?
Listen to your subscribers. Email marketing is no longer a one way street – you need to be empowering your customers or subscribers to tell you more about themselves, be it through click stats, capture forms or behavioural targeting. Use this information to create short, personalised messages to key target groups, rather than relying on a blanket email to your entire database once a month.
5. What 3 books really helped define you professionally?
‘Permission Marketing’ – Seth Godin; ‘Getting Things Done’ – David Allen; ‘A Fortunate Life’ – A.B. Facey
6. Best new restaurant?
Kwan Brothers (Aflred St, Fortitude Valley). A modern take on traditional Asian street food – amazing!.
If you are looking at ways that can help drive revenue and profit, feel free to give us a call for a casual chat on 1300 235 378.